Monday, February 2, 2009

What Darwin Didn't Know

Came across the Darwin article the other day  in the latest National Geographic magazine:
"He never understood, as the humble Morovian monk Gregor Mendel did, that an organism isn't a blend of its two parents at all, but the composite result of lots and lots of individual traits passed down by its father and mother from their own parents, and their grandparents before them".
I am part of great (x6) grandmother Angelique Assiniboine (Plains)and great grandmother (x5) Josephte Sauteux, Great grandfather(x4) Paul Boucher (Hudson Bay Guide), great grandmother (x4)LaReine Boucher(who remembered  when the Sioux came fresh from the Minnesota Massacre to her parent's home in search of food ), and great (x2) grandma Marie LaPointe (born on an Indian settlement at Swan Creek. She taught her grandson how to snare rabbits). 

1 comment:

  1. I love that qoute, or statement. Not only from our family history perspective but from an adoptive one as well. I wonder if your dream took place in a residential school? Seemed like it...
