Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Remembering the Bear

It occurred to me today that I have been dreaming about the bear for 20 years.  It may have been longer but my first memory was when I was dating Bryan.  I no longer remember the dream contents, except that I was being chased.  It must have had a huge impact on me though, as I remember telling Bryan about it and he suggested I  tell his mom, which I did and she referred me to a colleague.  That colleague was 'out there'... too new age or something and i didn't get anything out of the visit.  I didn't know about the native stuff yet.  Anyway, that was the very beginning. All bear dreams basically the same, except for the last one about 4 months ago.   Because it was different and left me saddened when I awoke, I feel the bear is gone for good.  

1 comment:

  1. Maybe the bear was meant to leave...20 years is a long time. I think it was time for him to go, why? No clue. Something to think about...that's just my take on it.
