Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Swan Creek

As I go about my days,  thoughts Swan Creek often come to mind.  It was the same way before finding Great Grandfather's (x3) grave site.
  Marie Elisabeth LaPointe, Great great Grandmother, Metis  born at Swan Creek Settlement 1870 (1 year before Treaty 2 was signed) and confirmed on her Metis Script.
Swan Creek is an area that  will  likely be difficult to access, but it is on Crown Land and we could probably get to it by canoe.  I have been unsuccessful in finding much info about this Indian Settlement except for the Treaty 2 signing, Aug 21, 1871  which can be found at: www.solon.org/Aboriginal/Canada/Treaty-2.html
 The chief of Swan Creek was  Sousonse (Little Long Ears) and he  signed this treaty in which the natives had to re-locate to a Reserve.  Although Marie Elisabeth spent her adult life in Winnipeg, assimilated and claiming to be of French Heritage only, her roots must have still been fairly close to the pure bloods to have been born in a settlement. I can't help but wonder if we are related to Chief Little Long Ears.  He must have had some kind of ears. Maybe he was one of the chiefs that came to me in the dream, shortly after the last bear dream.  Who knows.  I just feel the gentle urge to go to the spot.  My sister-in-law wants to join me in search of  Marie's birth area.  She  is going to bring her drum.  I might ask her to bring her drumming group.  This is the agenda for the Spring.  Maybe I will have more answers  if I am  fortunate enough to get an Indian name in a few weeks.  I feel mostly white inside and out, but the Elder encouraged me to ask for an Indian name.  I hope it works out.

This lady is the same one in the photo below, far right  taken with her sons and her husband  who is on the far left.

1 comment:

  1. Its incredible learning about our history through your blog. You know so much! The retreat to the Marie's birth area sounds powerful.
