Friday, December 25, 2009

Cougar and Lion Dream

Out my back screen door I could see a cougar relaxing over top of my umbrella style clothes line. I had a pet lion in the house and I was scared it would sense the cougar in the back yard and attack. As I tried to close the back door I wondered why was I not afraid of the huge lion and how odd I should have this as a pet. The back door would not close so there was only a screen door to separate the cougar on the outside and the lion and me on the inside. There was some kind of thickness between it and the screen door and the hinge came off. I was trying to press the door shut as hard as I could at the same time yelling for my husband to quickly fix the door. The lion stirred suddenly and I knew it had now picked up the cougar's scent and it came racing up the basement stairs to attack. I got out of the way just in time and woke up.

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