Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Event

I completed my spiritual run in the ceremonial skirt running along the same route as the buffalo runners from years gone by. The first 6 miles were uphill ( I think its called a bute). Thankfully I did not know this until a few minutes before starting and so there was no time to get myself psyched out about it. We were told it was going to be a tough course and that we should call out our names for guidance when it becomes difficult, and to remember the runners before us. Do not focus on the body, I was was told, because the body will follow. Later, there came a point where I had to say to myself over and over again " Myskomyinganeekway" while my skirt flowed around me. And when I reached the top I could see around in all directions, not a road or a house in sight. I became joyful because I was still strong and I knew I was not alone. I finished the final 6 miles strong and joyful and could not believe it. But my time was 20 minutes longer than my slowest race, so I knew it was tough yet somehow I was shielded from it.

Later at the capturing ceremony, I was told I should to go to a certain location. He leaned in to say the name it has, is not the name the Pikani gave it ( out of respect I will refrain from disclosing the location). When something is very sacred it cannot be named. Then he told me, the girl who is still wondering if her dreams have left her, that this sacred spot is a place for dreams. I hope I get to visit there soon.

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