Sunday, April 26, 2009

Waking Up

How different this Sweat was from the other 2 visits when there was apprehension and fear. This new feeling came as we were beginning the 2nd Sweat (back to back) of the day. I was cramped in the back of the Lodge for this second one, already drenched in sweat and my back was snug against the wood frame as another person squished her way inside and settled in front of me. Instead of feeling discomfort which was my immediate concern, I became aware of a deep sense of comfort. I was awaken inside, for the second time today, and I had come home. Home.
Today in the Lodge I felt a reality.. when I understood that the rocks entering the Lodge were grandmothers and grandfathers who have waited since before time to come to us today to give healing and teach us their wisdom. I knew this already from teachings, but in a way one hears a story yet not truly understood by the heart. I have been told that I have blood memory and this seems to fit. I cannot imagine I could feel this way otherwise.

Just before entering the Lodge there was an eagle circling above us!

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